In the next unit on the Civil War, we learned about the election of 1860, and were told to answer the question of,"How were the results of the Election of 1860 representative of the deep divisions over slavery?" In class, we watched a crash course video on it, and learned that people had many different viewpoints on it. Abraham Lincoln was a republican who was opposed to slavery, and felt that it should be contained and kept within control. Stephen A. Douglass was a Northern democrat who believed that the expansion of slavery be decided by popular soverignity. John Bell, a Constitutional Unionist, wasnted to preserve the Constitution, including slavery. John C. Breckenridge was a southern democrat who said that all slaves were inferior to whites and that slavery should not be limited anywhere in the U.S. Breckenridge was expected to win the Southern states because slavery was the most popular in the South, and Lincoln was expected to win the North because they were already against slavery, but Lincoln ended up winning the election of 1860. We then analyzed five photographs and used educreations to create a video explaining the election of 1860.
Link to Video Here!
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